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Immersive course (8기)
규칙 및 시설 안내
Sprint 소개
Pre Course Review Sprint
🙂 Introduction
📕 References
🏃 Recursion Review
✔️ Checkpoint 1-2
🏃 Underbar Review
✔️ Checkpoint 3
📘 Additional Resources
Data Structures & OOP Sprint
🙂 Introduction
📕 References
🏃Data Structures part I & Object-Oriented Programming
✔️Checkpoint 4-6
🏃Complexity Analysis & Data Structures part II
✔️Checkpoint 7-10
Inheritance Pattern
🙂 Introduction
📕 References
🏃Subclass Dance Party
📘Additional Resources
Browser Apps and Ajax
🙂 Introduction
📕 References
🏃Chatterbox Client
ES6, APIs, and React
🙂 Introduction
📕 References
🏃React Components
✔️ Checkpoint 11
Redux (advanced)
🙂 Introduction
📕 References
Servers and Node
🙂 Introduction
📕 References
🏃Chatterbox Server
✔️ Checkpoint 12
📘 Additional Resources
Server Side Techniques
🙂 Introduction
📕 References
🏃Web Historian
🙂 Introduction
📕 References
Week 6
First Project
ㄴ[Course] First Project
Job Search Sprint
[Course] Resume Sprint
Sprint Reviews
week 02 - Data Structure part 2
week 02 - Subclass Dance Party
week 02 - n-queens
week 02 - Chatterbox Client
week 03 -
week 03 - Redux
week 03 - Chatterbox Server
week 03 - Web Historian
week 04 - database
Session Videos
Intro to Full Stack Web Development
Introduction to Webpack
Introduction to Chatterbox Server & Node.js
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